An awesome achievement by Biggarsgat Stud of CA Froneman who fed his animals on De Heus RumiGrow® FLC200 and Hominy Chop
He was a winner in the following classes:
- Group Classes: Four 1st places & one 2nd place
- Females: One 1st & one 2nd Calf & Junior Champion
- Bulls: Three 1st places & three 2nd Calf & Junior Champion, Reserve Senior Champion and Grand Champion
- Breed Plan: One 1st & one 3rd place
Garrisford Stud – Simbra Cows from Bruce Taylor who fed his animals on De Heus RumiComplete® Stud Pellets:
He won:
- Senior Champion
- Grand Champion
- Super Cow
Four Feet Farm - Ed Barry who fed his animals on De Heus RumiComplete® Sheep Finisher
He won:
- On the hoof: 2nd place with group of 4
- 1st Reserve Champion lamb carcass with 96.95%
Oggendstond Boerdery - Koos Kooy
He fed his animals on De Heus RumiComplete® Stud Pellets and won:
- Reserve Junior Cow Champion
Congratulations Koos, De Heus is proud of having a CEO so involved and passionate about the industry.
Stey Braes’ animals were fed on De Heus RumiComplete® Stud Pellets
They won:
- Champion Bull Calf – Limousine
De Heus sponsored the Weston Steers that were grown on RumiGrow® SemiComplete Beef Finisher. The steers had free access to hay on the side.
Rheeba Brahman – Don McHardy. The animals were fed on RumiComplete® Stud Pellets
This was the first time for Rheeba Brahman at Royal Show. Don’s children excelled at the Youth Show
Note the temperament of these animals.